Posted in The Path to Self-Improvement

Prologue – The Path to Self-Improvement

Before I write anything else, I want to thank every single one of you that has so far liked, subscribed or supported this blog in any way, so thank you so much! It means so much more to me, than you can imagine! ❤️

So, there is no need to mitigate here: 2020 has been absolute crap for most of us, if not all of us. Admittedly, for me, there are some good things that have come out of 2020, however, the repeated lock downs and rule changes and heaven knows what not have been tiring, to say the least. To be fair, in the beginning it wasn’t so bad for me, since I am a huge introvert and don’t really go out that much anyway (introvert gang unite), but inevitably even I reached the point, where somehow everything went south.

I lost my motivation for things that I used to enjoy, including bullet journaling, streaming and, as you probably have noticed, blogging. Everything sorta felt “meh” to me and every single day, I only did the bare minimum that I had to do for uni and for my job. I even had days, where all I did was lie in bed all day, being on my phone and eating snacks. On top of that, I always stayed up until late into the night/ early into the morning, (depending on how you wanna see it) and got up late. So, needless to say, my life, time plan, sleeping schedule and mental state were all a bit of a wreck. And it stayed like that for the most part of the year. Not ideal for writing a thesis and finishing up your Bachelor’s degree at uni, but somehow I did it nonetheless. 😅

It was only recently that I found my spark again and decided that enough is enough, I don’t wanna live like this any longer. I realized that I alone had the power to change things and to improve, well, basically everything about my life, starting with my mental state.

Before I continue with my story, I want to state that I am 100% aware that in some cases this is not easy to do or might even be impossible without the help of therapy. So please, do not take this as a “oh, all you need to do, is change your mindset and then aaaall of your problems will magically disappear” *does the jazz hands*. Yeah, no. Mental health and related problems and of course mental disorders are to be taken seriously and they are in fact a real thing, despite what many people still to this day seem to believe, but in my case, it was indeed manageable.

So I took the time to look back on all the things that I had lost motivation for the previous year and really thought hard about why I lost motivation in the first place. What can be improved about these things, so that this doesn’t happen again? It would be too long to include all the reasons here, but let’s just say that for many things, I had the right mindset but the wrong approach.

When I recognized that what I had to do, was to approach things from a different perspective, all of a sudden my inspiration was back because suddenly there was something that I could do, something that was in my power to improve. I felt invigorated to go back to creating content, no matter which way, and finally again felt like I was actually able to do the stuff that I’ve been wanting to do. I realized and I know this is gonna sound cheesy af that the the thing that was holding me back was, as usual, none other than myself.

However, while changing my mindset was arguably the most important step, I also knew that it was only the first step of many that I wanted to take on this path to self-improvement (roll credits!). Mainly, I wanted to improve my sleeping schedule first and foremost and pick up some other good habits along the way.

Fast forward to I think it was Tuesday a week ago and a very good friend of mine and I are having a chat on discord about basically everything, as tends to happen with the two of us, and we end up talking about wanting to improve sleeping habits and the like. During the course of this talk, I somewhat jokingly suggest that we should make this into some sort of challenge and what do you know, roughly a week later, so starting from yesterday, we have set ourselves the challenge of getting up at 8:00 am every single day for this week and then starting from next week onward getting up at 7:00 am.

Many of you will probably now say: “Wow, 8:00/ 7:00 am? That’s so late, I (have to) get up at [insert any time earlier than 8:00/ 7:00 am] every single day” and I know, I know for many this will sound ridiculous, but believe me when I say that this a huge improvement, if you tended to not get up until noon before.

So long story short, I in particular wanted to have a way to hold myself accountable for actually sticking with this challenge and I thought it could be fun to document the results, difficulties, changes, improvements and so on. And thus, this will become a mini series on this blog (Yey! *throws confetti).

I have created a separate category, called “The Path to Self-Improvement”, where I will document the “findings” from the previous day every morning, for at least two weeks, in smaller blog posts. Joan, the friend that I am doing this challenge with, has agreed to also document and provide me with her “findings”, so we, and you, can see where our experiences differ and where they align.

So, I hope you guys are as excited to accompany us on this journey as we are about going on it and I will “see” you in the next post and of course, as always, please stay safe and healthy.


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